YWCA Honored to be One of 49 Organizations Chosen by the MA Bankers Association
BOSTON, Nov. 10, 2020 – The Massachusetts Bankers Association (MBA) announced today that the MBA Charitable Foundation has set a new record in its annual year-end community grant season.
In keeping with the Charitable Foundation’s annual community grants, MBA is announcing today that the Foundation will be granting an additional 49 grants, totaling $157,500. The Foundation, supported by MBA’s 130 member banks in Massachusetts and New England, is distributing the grants over eight geographic regions across the Commonwealth. Of the many well-deserving social service agencies, this year’s awards are given to organizations that are aiding in the battle of hunger; promoting academic, social and emotional growth and equality; alleviating homelessness, promoting skill development to close the opportunity divide; addressing domestic violence, women’s shelters and empowerment, and more.
Earlier this year, with the rise of the pandemic and in recognition of heightened focus on lifting communities through economic and social equality initiatives, MBA made special donations to the Mass COVID Relief Fund, Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD), and the 10point Coalition. Additionally, MBA launched a three-month social media campaign to acknowledge and highlight the hard work and dedication of many organizations that are committed in providing aid and relief to their community.
“On behalf of the entire Massachusetts banking community, we are thrilled to bring our collective strength to supporting organizations that are doing immense good in local communities across the Commonwealth,” said Peter G. Brown, Chairman of the MBA Charitable Foundation, and President and CEO of Dedham Savings, “As we see the impact of the Foundation’s support as well as the broader support from banks’ individual efforts, we are reminded that every gift-giving season amplifies the needs. As we recognize 49 organizations this year with the 2020 gifts, we do so with the knowledge and renewed focus that our work continues.”
Since its founding in 1996, the Foundation has provided gifts totaling approximately $2.8 million, which is symbolic of the more than $106 million in individual donations banks make on an annual basis to charitable non-profits and social agencies in communities throughout the Commonwealth.
YWCA Southeastern Massachusetts is honored to be one of the 49 organizations chosen this year.