Girls Exclusive Summer 2021 Now Accepting Applications!
Girls Exclusive is a high-quality afterschool & summer program for girls ages 10-14 in Southeastern Massachusetts. The goal of the program is to empower girls by cultivating academic, social, and emotional learning skills such as teamwork, empathy, responsibility, initiative, and problem solving.
Activities include: self-esteem building, computer skills, health and wellness, social justice, financial literacy, women’s history, leadership development, healthy relationships, and more!
This summer, Girls Exclusive is being offered at the YWCA Standish House at 20 South Sixth Street, from July 6th to August 20th, 2021.
- Click here to view the 2021 Flyer!
- $100/week – pay by which week(s) your child would like to attend
- Max Capacity of 10 girls per week due to COVID-10 restrictions
- This program is EEC License Exempt