The YWCA & the 2020 Census

On March 3, 2020, Executive Director Gail Fortes hosted her “Voices of Women” show at DCTV, and this month’s episode focused on the 2020 Census. Gail was joined by Helena DaSilva Hughes, Executive Director of the Immigrants’ Assistance Center, Valentina Martinez, YWCA Community Health Worker, and Brianna Alves, of One SouthCoast Chamber. You can watch this month’s episode by clicking this link! The 2020 Census is extremely important to us at the YWCA and to our friends across Southeastern Massachusetts. Helena, Valentina, and Brianna are all active participants in New Bedford’s Complete Count Committee, which is dedicated to a fair and complete count in the City of New Bedford. The census is not just a head count, but determines political representation, allocation of more than $800 billion in state and federal funding to communities each year, and so much more. You, your family, and your community deserve representation and resources.

What is the Census?

Every 10 years, the US Census Bureau conducts a census to determine the number of people living in the United States.

What will the Census ask?

The census asks for basic personal information, such as name, relationship to head of household, gender, age, birthday, race and ethnicity, and renter/owner.

Who gets counted?

Everyone counts! The census counts every person living in the US once and in the right place. Every person, including babies and children, residing in the household needs to be included on the form in order to be counted.

How do I fill it out?

On March 12th, 2020, most households will receive an invitation from the US Census Bureau with instructions to respond. You will have the option to complete the form online, by mail, or by phone.

How is census information used?

Census data is used to determine representation in the government, allocate federal funds, create jobs, provide housing, fund K-12 education, prepare for emergencies and build schools, roads, hospitals, libraries, and so much more.

Is the Census safe to complete?

Federal law protects your census responses. Your answers can only be used to produce statistics. By law your information cannot be shared with immigration enforcement agencies, law enforcement agencies, or be used to determine your eligibility for government benefits.

Where can I receive assistance to complete the census?

Census Hotlines in multiple languages are also available! The hotlines are live and ready to serve as a resource for individuals and organizations who have questions or concerns about the 2020 Census.

  • The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law (888-COUNT20)
  • The Arab American Institute (833-3DDOUNI)
  • Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC (844-2020-API)
  • NALEO Educational Fund (877-EL-CENSO)