Voices of Women: Women in Leadership

Dartmouth Community Cable Television station show, ”Voices of Women” filmed its recent episode, ”Women in Leadership.” The host and executive director of the YWCA Gail Fortes, spoke with four women in leadership roles at local organizations in the Greater New Bedford Community; Noelle Foye, Executive Director of the New Bedford Art Museum Cynthia Rose, Commissioner for Bristol County Commission on the Status of women, former Police officer and Assistant clerk Magistrate clerk, Bernadette Souza, Executive Director, Youth Opportunities Unlimited, Michelle Hantman, President and CEO of the United Way of Greater New Bedford.

Each woman discussed what their organization entails and how it contributes to the community. They also talked about the importance of women being in leadership. Every leader in this segment felt self doubt before taking on their leadership role. However, each of them had a network of women empowering them and encouraging them to take the leadership role. Ultimately, the best way to get women into leadership roles is by empowerment, mentorship, networking, building trust and being a role model. Overtime they have mentored, empowered and encouraged other women in the workforce and community to take on leadership roles.

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